Brickadia Version 0.2.3
A handful of features and many bug fixes.
Detailed Changelog
Minor Features
- Added a permission for being able to use flying.
- Chat commands now handle strings wrapped in quotes as a single argument.
- Added an indicator for the length and spacing of your ghost brick row.
- Empty inventory slots are now skipped and not scrolled to.
- Replaced join sound with a more fitting one.
- Server list now displays total players and servers.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed typing status updates causing reliable RPC spam, sometimes disconnecting clients for overflow.
- Fixed chat background disappearing when used multiple times with free mouse.
- Fixed long error messages causing disconnect window to stretch off screen.
- Fixed typo in controls menu.
- Fixed ghost bricks sometimes moving down when rotating in orbit mode.
- Fixed valid links not embedding correctly in chat.
- Fixed roles being saved for players with no roles.
- Fixed player name cache causing problems if a name is now used by a different id.
- Fixed not being able to hear other players brick breaking sounds.
- Fixed painting continuing after death.
- Fixed chat breaking somewhat randomly in the middle of the screen.
- Fixed missing faces on lamps in Studio.
- Fixed footstep sounds lagging behind the animation.
- Fixed an entry in controls being listed twice.
- Fixed orientation of ghost brick resetting when equipping the brick tool again.
- Fixed brick alignment issues in Studio.
- Fixed rapidly entering and leaving orbit mode sometimes hiding the player.
- Fixed scrolling quickbar with only one brick in it closing the quickbar.
- Fixed inefficient and dead code in player blueprint.
- Fixed being unable to join a server by double click after selecting it.
- Fixed replacing the brick in the current quickbar slot not updating the ghost brick.
- Fixed permissions still attempting to run on the client side.
- Fixed console spam by directional light in Studio.
- Fixed console spam by brick replication (verbose logs no longer necessary).
- Fixed lightmap artifacts on the walls in Studio.
- Fixed floating handles in Studio.
- Fixed bad post processing settings in Studio.
- Fixed mouse capture on right click only not working correctly.
- Fixed server launch script for linux using windows line endings.
- Temporarily fixed scrolling paint fx by reverting wrap around scrolling change until 0.3.